Acceptable Use Policy

Last updated: 02/26/2024

1. Restrictions on Inappropriate Use

At Transfer Erkaitand S.L.U., we value a safe and respectful online environment. To ensure the acceptable use of our site, we impose the following restrictions on inappropriate behavior:

  • Offensive Content: Posting or sharing content that is offensive, defamatory, discriminatory, or violates the rights of others is not allowed.
  • Illegal Activities: Participating in illegal activities, including fraud, copyright infringement, harassment, or any other activities prohibited by law, is not allowed.
  • Privacy Violations: Unauthorized collection of personal data, invasion of privacy, or any actions that violate the security of our users is not allowed.

2. Consequences for Policy Violations

Failure to comply with our acceptable use policies may result in various consequences, which may include, but are not limited to:

  • Warnings: In mild cases, we will provide warnings to inform about violations and give the opportunity to correct behavior.
  • Account Suspension: In more serious cases, we may temporarily or permanently suspend the account of the offending user.
  • Legal Actions: We reserve the right to take legal action in cases of serious violation of laws or our policies.

If you have any questions about our Acceptable Use Policy, please contact us at

Thank you for respecting the rules and contributing to a safe online environment at Transfer Erkaitand S.L.U.